What is coaching?
At its heart, coaching is a conversation that leads to learning and change.
It’s a journey of self-discovery which puts you in the driver’s seat and empowers you to create the life that you want. It enables you to move from where you are now to where you want to be more quickly and effectively than perhaps you may on your own.
As your coach, it’s my job to help you to unlock your best self and during our coaching sessions I’ll walk by your side to help you build your confidence from the inside out, so that you can reach the true potential you have inside you.
How will coaching benefit me?
I will challenge and believe in you, encouraging you to recognise your many strengths and what you are truly capable of.
I’ll tease out the things that are getting in the way of you living the life you want to, by holding up a mirror to your habitual thoughts and beliefs and by asking you lots of questions to help you develop and grow. You’ll be supported to uncover the answers to any challenges you have in your life, and inspired and empowered to make progress and reach your goals.
How will coaching make me feel?
Your coaching journey will be thought-provoking, challenging, enlightening and (believe it or not) fun! It will help you move forward, as once you can see how you are holding yourself back you can start to make the required changes.
I really believe that if you’re committed to making change and are willing to take the necessary actions, then you can achieve anything that you believe is possible.
What would our time together involve?
As a certified Coach and NLP practitioner I have a wide toolkit that I’ll draw upon to support you and I’ll help you:
Consider your work and life with new perspective
Determine what and where you want to be
Explore and make a plan to tackle what’s holding you back
Recognise your strengths and what you are capable of
Set strategies in place to move forwards with certainty and commitment
You will be empowered to build your professional and personal life brimming with confidence, happiness, success and fulfilment.
Together we will unlock your super-self.
Sounds great, what next?
I will work with you to create a coaching programme fully tailored to suit your needs and designed to help you create the life that you want and deserve.
Your bespoke programme will comprise of:
Pre-programme questionnaire and life/career assessment
Fortnightly 60 minute 1:1 session with me
Personal development exercises
Email support in-between sessions